What is the meaning of E-learning?

What is the meaning of E-learning?


The computers with their unimaginable working and functioning capacity completed with a tremendous progress in the field of electronics and communication technology have yielded so much power, abilities and capacities to human being that we can boost to do anything and everything imaginable on this earth. Teaching and learning that entirely happened to be a domain of the human factors-teacher and students.

It has gradually turned in to a subject of technological process. Computer operation and networking as visualised THROUGH THE DESCRIPTION PROVIDED BEFORE, HAVE ALMOST REVOLUTIONESED the field of teaching and learning process.

Concept of E-learning:

E-learning is an abbreviation of the term electronic learning. Electronic learning in its literal meaning stands for the type of learning carried out. Facilitated or supported by some or the other gadgets, media or resourse. It is quit a broder meaning of the term e-learning. Judging  in this sense the learning facilitated by the use of any electrical media or means like micro phones and listening devices or audio and vedio parts can be turned as e-learning.

E-learning , however is not like taken in such generalised sense. Although in general it may refer to all types of learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communication technology, yet in real practical sense, its use is limited and associated nowadays with the field of advanced learning technology.   

E-learning may be taken or an electronically carried out learning facilitated and supported by the use of advanced learning technology particularly calling for the service of computers networking and multimedia.

What seems to be common in nature, function and use of these terms may be summarized as below.
. They all call for the services of the computers, laptops and their technologies in their functioning.
. The use of the internal service and web technologies is must for their functioning.

Features of E-learning:

On the basis of what have been said so far, we can draw following conclusions about the nature, meaning, charecterestics and functioning of the term e-learning as it exists nowadays among us.
1.      E-learning is a genetic term used to refer computer enhanced learning.

2.       Its use should be strickly limited to online learning carried out through the internet or web-enabled technology.

3.      It eonveys broder meaning than terms computer based learning and computer aided instruction.
4.      It is broder in its meaning that coveyed through the simple terms like on-line learning or on-line education ( that may call for the absolute web-based learning without any follow up, communication and interaction between teachers and learners)

5.      It should not be taken as synony mous to audio-visual learning. Multimedia learning, distance education or distance learning. It is true that the audio-visual and multimedia teaching distance education or distance learning. It is true that the audio-visual and multimedia technology and distance education service rest heavily nowadays on the use of the internet and wed services provided through the computers yet these are not identical but complementary.

6.      It should be made absolutely clear that the use of the term e-learning carried out facilitated or supported through web-enhanced instructions and the internet based communication like e-mail, audio AND VIDEO CONFERENCE MAIL LIST, VEDIO CHATS, AND TELEPHONY.

7.      As a result all types of non-internet and non –web technology should not be included in the domain of e-learning. Taking a clear stand on this issue Santhesh kumar and sagy jhn write.

Elements of e-learning:

ASYNCHRONOUS E-LEARNING COURSES CAN TAKE MANY SHAPES AND SIZE. However there are certain elements that are common among most courses. Starting out with an understanding of these elements will help prepare you for discussions on planning and analysis.

1. Interface:

The interface is the visual framework for each screen. It included the                                                   branding titles bottons, features and navigation used throughout the course. Think of it as the elements that are the same on every narration.

2. Text:

In an asynchronous course, text can be used either as the primary way to           communication content or as support for audio narration.

3. Navigation:

The navigation for a course allows the learner to move through the           course navigation buttons such as arrows, hyperlink, and means all guide the learner through the course. Navigation can be fixed.

4. Interaction:

Interaction are any events or activities that requires the learner to respond   in some way. Examples in clued a spot that the learner click to get additional information, a question the learner must answer, or a prantice simulation. Interactions helps to reinforcement key teaching points and keep the learner interested and engaged.

5. Tests:

The ability to administer a test is a very popular feature in e-learning. Test       questions can use several things or formats:
             . multiple choice
             . drag and drop
             . true/false
             . fill in the blanks
             . short answer
             . easy

6. Media:

              Technically an e-learning course could consist of only on-screen text. But a more engaging                    course would use a number of different media element such as –

a.      Audio:

Used to deliver the primary content, as with a narrator, or can be used in            specific situation, such as an introduction from the president of  A COMPANY OR CHARECTERS IN A SCENARIO.

b.      Video:

Can be used as the primary  method or content delivery or to provide  additional information for specific teaching point.

c.       Graphics:

Includes still photographic (stock photography or custom), clip art  picture illustration, graphs or diagrams.

d.      Animation:

Includes moving  graphics, for example for a course about a    manufacturing process, a moving graphics.

7.      Collaboration:

Collaboration is the activity to learners working together to reach a learning goal. In the classroom, collaboration occurs anytime one learner twins to another and makes a comment ask a question or works with someone on a project. In e-learning this might occur in discussion forums or social media sites.

8.      Discussion forum:

A discussion forum is a collaborative learning experience where    question or comments are posted and a trail of response are posted and archived regarding the original manages. Often called threted discussions or manage boards, forum are asynchronous forms of communication and manage sending self-paced course can encourage learner to participation discussion about the course content.

9.      Social media integration:

Sites like linkedin, twitter, facebook can be used to foster     collaboration. For example a course could be given a tweeter hashtag with students encouraged to post and search for twitts using that hashtag. Some corporations have their own internal social media system.

10.  Tracking:

One of the many reason companies choose e-learning is the ability to track  progress, completion and test scores. If set up to do so, e-learning course can send this information to be tracked. In the simplest forms, the information might be sent via an email. In more formal situation the information is fed to a LMS.


In this way if we toy to have a board vies of the nature and meaning of the concept e-learning in terms of the hard realities of its functioning and use in own day to day life. We can come to the conclusion that



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