
Showing posts with the label food

soya chunks nutrition protein in soybean

soya chunks nutrition protein in soybean Add caption Soybeans have a high protein content. In most legumes , protein accounts for 20% to 30% of the weight. In    wholes soybeans, protein accounts for 40% of the weight. Soy foods are a source of high quality lean protein. In addition, consumption of soy protein provides health    benefits that may help prevent certain     chronic diseases. The amount of protein varies in soy products, with the following products generally containing these percentage, soy flour, 50%, soy concentrate 70%, and soy isolate, 90%. The amino acid profile of soybeans compares well with the human requirements. The World Health    Organisation has established that when consumed at the    recommended level of protein intake, soy protein contains sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids human needs. Evaluating Protein Quality Different methods of estimating protein quality have been used at different times. However the followi

Some Fruits to eat for glowing and brighter skin

  Some Fruits to eat forglowing and brighter skin Bananas: Doing the following mashed a banana, then use something that dough for the face mask. You will soon feel more toned and brighter. In addition, the banana would help clean the black pores, moisturize the skin. Lemon: Loaded with Vitamin C   and citrus acid , this citrus fruits is your best friend when it comes to   skin lightening. Lemon juice is one of Mother nature’s most potent skin bleaching ingredients. Applying   Lemon juice on your face   regularly can fade   dark marks, freckles and lighten your skin tone by a few shades. Pineapple: Not only cleanse and soften skin, Pineapple also works very effectively in the “ work”   rejuvenate dull and dry skin. You can use a piece of pineapple (make its surface soft by using hand to press on it) and rub over the body while bathing, you will see the change occur immediately. Apples: Apples is one of many type of fruit will give