Tattoo effects

Harmful effects of Tattoo

1.      Hepatitis:

It is major health risk that you may be subjecting yourself to by getting a tattoo is Hepatitis. Hepatitis is caused by sharing needles that are not sterilized properly after being used on someone else.

2.      Skin Cancer:

Tattoo  can also cause skin cancer if they affect your skin and body in extreme ways.
A notable number of cases have come up where tattoos have led to melanoma or cancer in the skin cells.

3.      Infections:

The tattoo needles harbor more germs than you can imagine. According to a study by the  Tulane University school of Medicine, 3% of all tattoo get infected and people may experience persistent itching or irritation on their tattoos.

4.      Complications in medical procedures:

During medical procedures, metal-based tattoo inks may interfere with result of an MRI-Scan or an X-ray and similar tests. It may also lead to swollen skin where the tattoo is or even serious burns.


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