How much protein do We need per day?

How much protein do                                                                                                We need per day?

Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level. ICMR   (Indian Council of Medical Research)   recommends  the following protein intake for different life stages for Indian population:

Adults   --   1.0 gm/kg body weight/day
Children --- 1.5 gm/kg body weight/day
Pregnant/Lactating women      ---   1.75 gm/kg body weight/day

 What about Vegetarians?

Proteins from plant sources do not contain all essential amino acids. This means that a diet based on plant protein requires the right combinations of protein sources to get enough of all of the essential amino acids Supplementation with a good lean protein can help.

Do people who exercise need more protein?

People who engage in endurance exercise (such as long distance running) or heavy resistance exercise (such as bodybuilding) benefit from additional protein in their diets.
It is estimated that strength-training athletes need to consume 1.5-2.0gh/kg body weight/day of protein. The increased protein requirement is because during the initial 10-12 days of training, there is a small increase in protein breakdown. Less body protein is broken down if the amount of protein in the diet is increased at this time. After about 12 days of training, protein balance id restored, and the body is likely to start building extra protein into the muscles if strength training continues.

Other conditions requiring increased protein intake.

Dietary  protein  requirement  is  enhanced by such conditions as infections, immobilization, surgery, burns, and other injuries. Frequent intestinal infection by living in polluted atmosphere, chronic amoebiasis, indigestion due to irregular eating  schedules, and living in intestinal worm infested areas also increase the need for protein  


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