
soya chunks nutrition protein in soybean

soya chunks nutrition protein in soybean Add caption Soybeans have a high protein content. In most legumes , protein accounts for 20% to 30% of the weight. In    wholes soybeans, protein accounts for 40% of the weight. Soy foods are a source of high quality lean protein. In addition, consumption of soy protein provides health    benefits that may help prevent certain     chronic diseases. The amount of protein varies in soy products, with the following products generally containing these percentage, soy flour, 50%, soy concentrate 70%, and soy isolate, 90%. The amino acid profile of soybeans compares well with the human requirements. The World Health    Organisation has established that when consumed at the    recommended level of protein intake, soy protein contains sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids human needs. Evaluating Protein Quality Different methods of estimating protein quality have been used at different times. However the followi

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INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE CASE STUDY CASE STUDY ON  INTRACRANIAL  HEMORRHAGE THE CASE The case is of a fifty year old male who presented with sudden onset transient loss of consciousness, he was rushed to the the emergency room where he recovered.  when he recovered he had a severe headache, slurred speech and hemiparesis on his right half of his body.  A non-contrast CT-scan was done and showed the following. WHAT IS  INTRACRANIAL  HEMORRHAGE ? An intracranial hemorrhage is a type of bleeding that occurs inside the skull.  Symptoms include sudden tingling, weakness, numbness, paralysis, severe headache, difficulty with swallowing or vision, loss of balance or coordination, difficulty understanding, speaking , reading, or writing, and a change in level of consciousness or alertness, marked by stupor, lethargy, sleepiness, or coma.   Any type of bleeding inside the skull or brain is amedical emergency.

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  NEUROANATOMY Things to Know u  Hydrocephalus ("hydro" meaning water, and "cephalus" referring to the head) :-A condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds up within the ventricles of the brain and may increase pressure within the head. u  Causes of Hydrocephalus: Can be inherited genetically or may be associated with developmental disorders, including spina bifida (congenital defect of the spine) and encephalocele(hernia of the brain). u  Other causes can include q  Bleeding within the brain q  Brain tumors q  Head injuries, q  Complications of premature birth such as hemorrhage, or diseases     such as meningitis or other infections u  Hydrocephalus can occur at any age, but is most common in infants and adults age 60 and older. u  GRAVIDA :-No. of pregnancies that woman has had, regardless of outcome. u PARA:-No. of births that woman has had after around 20 weeks of gestation. u  VENTRICUL

Meningitis | diagnosis | symptoms | treatment |contagious| wiki

WHAT IS MENINGITIS?         NEURO - ANATOMY General appearance § Infant is lethargic and appears ill § Whenever the mother would shift her way of her baby’s carry the baby would cry inconsolably. § There is bulging fontanelles and stiff neck. § Laboratory result shows abnormal CSF protein and CSF glucose level. § Normal CSF glucose level is 40-70 mg/dl but in laboratory result it’s 35 mg/dl. § Normal CSF protein level is 20-50 mg/dl but result shows elevated level with 65 mg/dl. § Bulging fontanelles and stiff neck also seems. § So according to laboratory result and sings shows that infant is suffering from meningitis. WHAT IS MENINGITIS? Meningitis is inflamation of the meningis. Meningisare three layer protecting brain and spinal cord. TYPES OF MENINGITIS Meningitis infiltrated by virus § Bacterial meningitis: Bacteria infiltrates the blood stream and travel to brain or spinal