soya chunks nutrition protein in soybean
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Soybeans have a high protein content. In most legumes , protein accounts for 20% to 30% of the weight. In wholes soybeans, protein accounts for 40% of the weight.
Soy foods are a source of high quality lean protein. In addition, consumption of soy protein provides health benefits that may help prevent certain chronic diseases. The amount of protein varies in soy products, with the following products generally containing these percentage, soy flour, 50%, soy concentrate 70%, and soy isolate, 90%.
The amino acid profile of soybeans compares well with the human requirements. The World Health Organisation has established that when consumed at the recommended level of protein intake, soy protein contains sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids human needs.
Evaluating Protein Quality
Different methods of estimating protein quality have been used at different times. However the following three are the most common and accepted.
Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER ), It is the measure of growth following intake of a certain protein.
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Source (PDCAAS): It measure the amount & percentage digestibility of each amino acid.
PDCAAS system as determined by the WHO , now supersedes both PER and BV methods and is accepted as the official method by USFDA. Isolated Soy Protein ( or Soy protein Isolate) source the maximum 1 point on this system
PDCAAS of Selected Food protein
From Protein Quality Evaluation, Report of FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, FAO/WHO, 1989
Highlights of Soy Protein.
1. Soy Protein is the only protein classified as a complete protein.
2. Foods containing soy protein are known to provide the potential benefits of dietary factors in preventing chronic disease.
3. Soy is high in Calcium and unlike milk does not contain ‘casein’ proteins that result in calcium loss in bones.
4. Soy does not have cholesterol
“ Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25gms of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease.”—U.S.F.D.A
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