
Computer – An amazing machine

Computer – An amazing machine Introduction: In the past few decades, computers have greatly influenced the life style of a common man in the office, home , shopping center, library, theatre etc. Computers have solidly established itself as a powerful tool for helping the professionals/business people to improve their performance and the quality of their work. It would be exciting to know what exactly a computer is?   What are its components? How does it work? What are the different species of a computer? Etc. This book takes you to a marvelous journey to discover more about computers. Bon Voyage! Computer is a truly amazing machine that performance a specified sequence of operations as per the set of instructions (known as programs) given on a set of data (input) to generate desired information (output). Being a machine,   it will not perform independently or creatively. It will do only, what it is instructed to do, in   specific terms. It is based on a c

Some Fruits to eat for glowing and brighter skin

  Some Fruits to eat forglowing and brighter skin Bananas: Doing the following mashed a banana, then use something that dough for the face mask. You will soon feel more toned and brighter. In addition, the banana would help clean the black pores, moisturize the skin. Lemon: Loaded with Vitamin C   and citrus acid , this citrus fruits is your best friend when it comes to   skin lightening. Lemon juice is one of Mother nature’s most potent skin bleaching ingredients. Applying   Lemon juice on your face   regularly can fade   dark marks, freckles and lighten your skin tone by a few shades. Pineapple: Not only cleanse and soften skin, Pineapple also works very effectively in the “ work”   rejuvenate dull and dry skin. You can use a piece of pineapple (make its surface soft by using hand to press on it) and rub over the body while bathing, you will see the change occur immediately. Apples: Apples is one of many type of fruit will give

Some Oil that make Skin Glow In winter

Some Oil that make Skin Glow In winter Avocado oil: It is best for day sensitive or irritated skin. This oil is high in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, which helps proper cell function and decrease inflammation. Avocado oil is ideal for those with dry, itchy, or aging skin Olive oil: It is generally used for dry skin Olive oil particularly extra-virgin. It is a good all around natural moisturizer and is recommended for dehydrated skin. Its super rich in fatty acids and vitamin E. Lavender Oil: It is best for Acne-prone or irritated skin. It also help to aid in the absorption of active ingredients in to the skin. Jojoba Oil: It is generally for dry skin.   Dermatologists also recommend it because it also contains such minerals as zinc and copper, and vitamins Band E, which help strengthen the skin. Flaxseed Oil: It is best for irritated, sensitive akin, and conditions such as eczema and dermatitis oil contains w

Protein at different Life - stages

Protein at different                                     Life -    stages 1.       Youngchildren During childhood, children tend to vary their food intake (spontaneously) to coincide with their growth patterns. Children’s food needs vary widely, depending on their growth   and   their level of physical activity . Like energy needs, a child’s total protein, vitamin and mineral requirements increase with age. Ideally, children should be accumulating stores of protein in preparation for the rapid growth spurt experienced during adolescence. 2.      Teenagers The growth spurt as children move into adolescence needs plenty of energy and nutrients. For girls, this generally occurs around 10 to 11 years of age, while for boys it occurs later, at around 12 to 13 years. Protein rich foods that are high in energy should be preferred as they do not lead to excess weight build-up 3.      Young adults Moving away from home, starting work and the chang

How much protein do We need per day?

How much protein do                                                                                                    We need per day? Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level. ICMR     (Indian Council of Medical Research)     recommends   the following protein intake for different life stages for Indian population: Adults    --    1.0 gm/kg body weight/day Children --- 1.5 gm/kg body weight/day Pregnant/Lactating women       ---     1.75 gm/kg body weight/day   What about Vegetarians? Proteins from plant sources do not contain all essential amino acids. This means that a diet based on plant protein requires the right combinations of protein sources to get enough of all of the essential amino acids Supplementation with a good lean protein can help. Do people who exercise need more protein? People who engage in endurance exercise (such as long distance running) or heavy resistance exercise (such as bodybuilding) benefi

Healthy protein package/we need

The Healthy                                                                                                                ProteinPackage Making healthy protein choices is more about the fats that accompany the proteins and the preparation methods, than it is about the actual protein. This means looking for protein sources   that are lower in saturation fats, higher in healthier unsaturated   fats and prepared in healthy ways. These are commonly referred to as LEAN PROTEINS. Non-Vegetarian protein sources tend to contain most of the Essential Amino Acid needs to build new protein in our bodies. They are thus also called COMPLETE PROTEINS. However, protein from such sources as vegetables, fruits and grains tend to lack one or more essential amino acids and are thus called INCOMPLETE PROTEINS. Of course , fish and chicken may not always be healthy. Fish sticks or fried chicken are not good protein choices because the cooking methods add   unhealthy fats and extra