
What is Antenna?

                                       What is Antenna? Antennas or aerials are necessary for the radiations or reception of radio wave which are electromagnetic in character. A system of elevated conductors that couple or match the transmitter or the receiver to space, can serves as antenna. A transmission line is employed to connect the transmitting antenna to the transmitter. In according with Maxwell’s theory, electromagnetic energy having the same frequency as the RF current flowing through the antenna, is radiated in space For a straight-wire antenna, the radiation COMPARISION AN ELECTRIC FIELD VECTOR IN A PLANE CONTAINING THE ANTENNA, AND A MAGNETIC FIELD VECTOR TRANSVERES TO THE ELECTRIC FIELD.  The electric and the magnetic fields oscillate At the frequency of the RF currents in the antenna. The amplitudes of the fields vary directly as the amplitude of the RF current, and they fall off inversely as the distance from the antenna. The fields travel through the spa

What is Secondary Storage (External Storage Device)?

What is Secondary Storage (External Storage Device)? Floppy diskettes, hard disk, taps and optical disks come under the category of external storage device or ancillary storage device. These devices are very sensitive to environmental conditions (humidity and temperature) as well as to external magnetic fields and need to be stored carefully. Types of external storage device are as follows: 1.       Floppy disk 2.       Hard disk 3.       Tape 4.       Optical disk 1.       Floppy disk: It is magnetic storage media, using flat circular platter. Floppy disks are primarily used on PCs . Information on a floppy disk is recorded in the magnetized states of particles of iron oxides evenly placed upon concentric circles known as Tracks. Tracks are further divided into sectors. The difference between the capacities of double density and the quad density diskettes is in the number of tracks per inch (tpi)- 48 tpi and 996 tpi. Respectively, and in the number of sectors pe

T-18 with fares 40-50% higher than Shatabdi

T-18 with fares 40-50% higher than Shatabdi The new train has a number of feature to enhance passenger comfort which includes inter-connection fully-sealed gangways, automatic doors with retractable footsteps, onboard Wi-Fi and infotainment, GPS-based passenger information system, rotational seats which can be aligned in the direction of travel(available only in the Executive Class) roller blinds and diffused LED lighting and disabled-friendly toilets. T-18 , which runs on electric traction like Metro trains, will start replacing the Shatabdi   Express fleet from next year, the officials said. The train-18 built by the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai, has undergone extensive trains under the supervision of Research designs and Standards Organisation ( RDSO) ,Lucknow. It has successfully complicated trials up to a speed of 180 km/h. The train is capable of touching a maximum speed of 200 km/h. The Executive class fare would be between Rs 2,800 and Rs 2

Tattoo effects

Harmful effects of Tattoo 1.       Hepatitis: It is major health risk that you may be subjecting yourself to by getting a tattoo is Hepatitis. Hepatitis is caused by sharing needles that are not sterilized properly after being used on someone else. 2.       Skin Cancer: Tattoo   can also cause skin cancer if they affect your skin and body in extreme ways. A notable number of cases have come up where tattoos have led to melanoma or cancer in the skin cells. 3.       Infections: The tattoo needles harbor more germs than you can imagine. According to a study by the   Tulane University school of Medicine, 3% of all tattoo get infected and people may experience persistent itching or irritation on their tattoos. 4.       Complications in medical procedures: During medical procedures, metal-based tattoo inks may interfere with result of an MRI-Scan or an X-ray and similar tests. It may also lead to swollen skin where the tattoo is or even serious burns.


                      WHAT IS  RADAR? The word radar is coined from the phrase “Radio detection and Ranging”. It is basically an echo-ranging system in which electromagnetic energy in the from of high-power short-duration pulse are sent out at distant objects or targets. The reflected signal or the echo is received at the   transmitting station and analysis   to obtain information on the location of the targets. Essentially, the radar system consists of a transmitter and receiver, both connected to a directional antenna through a switching arrangement, called a duplexer. A small portion of the pulse power generated by the transmitter excites the duplexer which disconnects the receiver from the antenna and connects the transmitter to the antenna. In most systems, the antenna scans   i,e.,   rotates to direct the radiated beam as desired. The scanning speed is small compared to the speed of light in free space, so that the antenna does not rotate significantly in the time

The Twin Paradox

The Twin Paradox The relativistic effects give rise to a famous so-called      paradox      of     two persons, say A and B, who are twins, born at the same time. Suppose that A flies away in a space ship at a speed comparable to the speed of light, leaving B stationary on the ground.  B sees A moving fast, so that A’s clock appears to go slower from B’s point of view. If A comes back, he will find his twin brother B older than himself. The paradox arises from the contention that all motion is relative; so either twin could consider the other to be moving.  Thus each should find the other younger, which is a logical contradiction. This contention presupposes that the twins situations are symmetrical and interchangeable. But this is not true. For the twins to meet and make the comparison, A has to turn around to come back.  When the turns around, he feels the acceleration, while B feels nothing. Thus the situation is not symmetrical: there is a difference between the

The most Beautiful Fort In Maharashtra, VijayDurg

The most Beautiful Fort In Maharashtra, Vijay Durg   Vijaydurg, an impressing ancient fort is located near the mouth of the Vaghotan River, district-Sindhudurg of Maharashtra. One of the largest forts on the konkan coast, Vijaydurg is the best of forts to visit in Maharashtra. It is a protected monument under the Archaeological Survey of India. Vijaydurg fort is spread across an area of   68796.55 sqm and provides evidence of the martial supremacy of the Marathas under shivaji’s period. This fort is also known as the victory fort. It is belived that the fort was built by Bhojraja Shilahar between 1196 and 1206 ad over an area of 5 acres, which later was extended to 17 acres by Shivaji Maharaj . The Maratha King Shivaji Maharaj   took the fort from Adil Shahi dynasty in 1656 and renamed it as Vijaydurg. It is also one of two forts where Maratha King Shivaji Maharaj personally hoisted the saffron flag. The fort was initially named Gheria and is construc