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Glaucoma/eye pressure/treatment/surgery/symptoms/causes/tests/sign

            GLAUCOMA Glaucoma overview: glaucoma history what is glaucoma? symptoms and sign glaucoma causes risk factors Screening glaucoma treatment glaucoma tests 1. Glaucoma History:           Glaucoma was first observes by Richard Bannister in 1622. He saw that the eye be grown more tight,strong and concrete. But in 1851 sir Herman Helmholtz  classify or describes the pathological hallmark of glaucoma the optical nerve head due to retinal ganglion cell loss. After some time later research find out  that insufficient blood supply low or irregular blood pressure to the retina and optical nerve head. 2. what is Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a troop of eye infection which event in harm to the optical nerve and outcome vision loss. The biggest common type is open angle glaucoma, in which the sewerage angle for fluid with in the eye remains open but with low common types as well as closed angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma.             Open angle glaucoma

soya chunks nutrition protein in soybean

soya chunks nutrition protein in soybean Add caption Soybeans have a high protein content. In most legumes , protein accounts for 20% to 30% of the weight. In    wholes soybeans, protein accounts for 40% of the weight. Soy foods are a source of high quality lean protein. In addition, consumption of soy protein provides health    benefits that may help prevent certain     chronic diseases. The amount of protein varies in soy products, with the following products generally containing these percentage, soy flour, 50%, soy concentrate 70%, and soy isolate, 90%. The amino acid profile of soybeans compares well with the human requirements. The World Health    Organisation has established that when consumed at the    recommended level of protein intake, soy protein contains sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids human needs. Evaluating Protein Quality Different methods of estimating protein quality have been used at different times. However the followi

Online 2000/day Earn by Mobile.

                                        Less Hard Work But Massive Income I suggest you 5 way to earn online to easy work,. Everyday 350-500 ($ 4-7) per way (per links) total income must be 1500-2000 everyday. At first create your account and start work and earn money.  let see the sources of income, 1. JobBoy:     link- you login then you go work section and select work then listed job click and visited , comment, like, share, install app, signup , various different different work then you get money. 2. Rapid workers: link-  same process work and earn money. 3. Pico workers: link- 4. Micro workers: link- 5. Amazon Mechanical Turk: link-