

BRACHIAL PLEXUS BRACHIAL PLEXUS u the nerve fibers derived from different segments of the spinal cord to be arranged and distributed efficiently in different nerve trunks to the various parts of the upper limb. u The brachial plexus is formed in the posterior triangle of the neck by the union of the anterior rami of the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th cervical and the 1st thoracic spinal nerve. COMPONENTS u Roots – C5 – T1 u Trunks – Upper – C5 and C6, Middle – C7, Lower – C8 and T1 u Divisions – Anterior and Posterior u Cords –in relation to the AXILLARY ARTERY u – Lateral Cord - anterior divisions of the upper and middle trunk u - Medial Cord - the anterior division of the lower trunk u - Posterior Cord - the posterior divisions of all three trunks u Branches CORD u lie above and lateral to the first part of the axillary artery u MEDIAL CORD - crosses behind the artery to reach the medial       side of the second part of the artery. u

what is Software?

what is  Software? Computer needs instruction to tell it what to do, how to do and when to do. Thus the electronic instruction well defined and well organized, that people write to tell the Hardware what to do to get desired results are called programs. Software     refers to a set of programs that makes the hardware perform a particular set of tasks in a particular order. Software can be classified mainly in two categories as follows. 1.       System Software a.       Operating system b.       Utilities 2.       Application Software a.       General Purpose b.       Compliers for high level Languages 1.       System software is responsible for the running of the computer and management of computer resources. Operating System (OS) falls under this category. An operating system is system software that provides an interface for a user to communicate with the computer, manages hardware devices (disk drives, a keyboard. A monitor, and so on), manages

Picture Tube of TV Receiver

Picture Tube of TV Receiver The picture tube of a television receiver is a cathode ray tube (CRT) employing magnetic deflection. The picture sent out by the transmitting station is reproduced in the Picture tube. In the picture tube, the electron beam is deflected by a magnetic field. The magnetic deflection is obtained with the help of horizontal and vertical deflection coils in the yoke around the tube neck. The deflection provide the scanning of the beam on the fluorescent screen of the tube. The picture signal is fed to the grid of the electron gun. The instantaneous value of the pictures signal thus controls the instantaneous beam current and hence the brightness of the spot on the screen. In this way, the picture elements scanned at the television camera tube in the transmitter are reproduced on the fluorescent screen of the picture tube. When the screen is viewed from a distance, the tiny picture elements blend in a smooth way to produce the impression of a continuous p

what is Monitor?

what is Monitor? Out of all the output devices, monitor is perhaps the most important, because it is the output device that people interact with most intensively. Computer information is displayed, visually with a video adapter card and monitor. Information processed within the CPU, that needs to be visually displayed, is sent to video adapter. The video adapter converts information from the formal used, in the same manner as a television displays information sent to it by a cable service. TWO BASIC TYPES OF MONITORS ARE USED WITH MICROCOMPUTERS, WHICH ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1.       CRT 2.       LCD Cathode Ray Tube (CRT): The first is the typical monitor that you see on a desktop computer. It looks a lot like a television screen, and works the same way. This type uses a large vacuum tube, called cathode ray tube (CRT). Liquid Crystal Displays: The second type, known as a flat panel monitor, is commonly used with notebook computer. Most of these employ liq