
Showing posts with the label Health and Human body

Healthy protein package/we need

The Healthy                                                                                                                ProteinPackage Making healthy protein choices is more about the fats that accompany the proteins and the preparation methods, than it is about the actual protein. This means looking for protein sources   that are lower in saturation fats, higher in healthier unsaturated   fats and prepared in healthy ways. These are commonly referred to as LEAN PROTEINS. Non-Vegetarian protein sources tend to contain most of the Essential Amino Acid needs to build new protein in our bodies. They are thus also called COMPLETE PROTEINS. However, protein from such sources as vegetables, fruits and grains tend to lack one or more essential amino acids and are thus called INCOMPLETE PROTEINS. Of course , fish and chicken may not always be healthy. Fish sticks or fried chicken are not good protein choices because the cooking methods add   unhealthy fats and extra

Composition of the human body.

                     Composition of the human body Oxygen 65%, Carbon 18%, Hydrogen 10%, Nitrogen 3%, Calcium 1.5%, Phosphorus 1%, Potassium 0.25%, Sulphur 0.25%, Sodium 0.15%, Chlorine 0.15%, Magnesium 0.05%, Iron 0.006%, Fluorine 0.0037%, Zinc 0.0032%, Silicon 0.002%, Rubidium 0.00046%, Strontium 0.00046%,  Bromine 0.00029%, Lead 0.00017%, Copper 0.0001%, Aluminium 0.00006%, Cadmium 0.00005%, Cerium 0.00004%, Barium 0.000022%, Tin, Iodine, Titanium 0.00002%, Boron 0.000018%, Selenium, Nickel 0.000015%, Chromium 0.000014%, Manganese 0.000012%, Arsenic 0.000007%, Lithium,Mercury,Caesium 0.000006%, Molybedenum,Germanium 0.000005%, Cobalt 0.000003%, Antimony,Silver 0.000002%, Niobium,Zirconium 0.000001%, Lanthanium 0.0000008%, Tellurium,Bismuth,Gallium 0.0000007%, Indium 0.0000004%, Gold,Scandium,Tantalum 0.0000002%, Vanadium 0.00000011%, Uranium,Thorium0.0000001%, Samarium 0.00000005%,