
Showing posts from March, 2020

Glaucoma/eye pressure/treatment/surgery/symptoms/causes/tests/sign

            GLAUCOMA Glaucoma overview: glaucoma history what is glaucoma? symptoms and sign glaucoma causes risk factors Screening glaucoma treatment glaucoma tests 1. Glaucoma History:           Glaucoma was first observes by Richard Bannister in 1622. He saw that the eye be grown more tight,strong and concrete. But in 1851 sir Herman Helmholtz  classify or describes the pathological hallmark of glaucoma the optical nerve head due to retinal ganglion cell loss. After some time later research find out  that insufficient blood supply low or irregular blood pressure to the retina and optical nerve head. 2. what is Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a troop of eye infection which event in harm to the optical nerve and outcome vision loss. The biggest common type is open angle glaucoma, in which the sewerage angle for fluid with in the eye remains open but with low common types as well as closed angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma.             Open angle glaucoma